The Taste of Summer

The taste of summer
stains fingers and lips
a deep purple-blue-black
as ripe berries are plucked
from brambles and dropped into pails
or popped into grinning mouths.

The taste of summer
drips down chins, elbows, and
fingers that clutch cool green
rinds, as crisp juicy red
fruit melts in the mouth,
leaving hard flat seeds.

The taste of summer
freezes mouths and tongues
as cold, gooey sweetness
slowly melts and drips
down soggy cones
grasped in sticky hands.

Delicious messiness
leaves smudges 
of happiness
on our memories,
making us long for
another taste of summer.


Picnic Upset

A sudden wind gust
flapped the flag furiously
flipped the small table
scattered bucket, cups, and ice
to sparkle on the sidewalk



Today when I went out to mow
my neighbors got quite a show.

Who knew I could move so quick?
Sure hope no one snapped a pic.

It’s a wonder I didn’t break
my neck, when that little green snake

suddenly popped into view
right on the toe of my shoe.



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